While acquiring foodstuffs suitable for a dorm room, including LOTS of bottled WATER, Entling no. 2 and friends, along with this maternal unit were heatedly discussing the subject of Get Fuzzy today.
As the debate raged, our items were being scanned by the checker who suddenly begged,"Please, stop talking about it, I haven't finished the book yet. I am going home to read as soon as I get off work, PLEASE don't tell me!!!"
HP brings the world together!
Love the cartoon!
Love the cartoon!
And why is it such a scandal that HP has brought so many people together ? I confess I'm baffled by the scorn that certain people heap on HP for this effect...
Methinks much of the scorn is jealousy. If only THEIR books had generated such a following...
Quite !! To paraphrase a famous saying, Hell hath no fury like an author scorned !
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