Thursday, March 29, 2007

Robert's Snow 2007

Grace Lin announces over at Blue Rose Girls that there will be a Robert's Snow for Cancer's Cure again in 2007.

I have bid in the previous auctions and feel pleased that I helped run the price up on some lovely snowflakes even though I did not win one. Since the proceeds benefit cancer research that seems like a worthy achievement in its own right.

I really did have my heart set on one in 2005 but lost out at the last moment. The funny thing was, when I saw the ebay name of the winning bidder, I knew who it was. The odds of recognizing a nickname are seemingly remote but I was quite certain about this one. Well, if I had to lose, it was to someone I knew would appreciate it.

Hoping Robert's Snow is another great success this year!!!

1 comment:

Elaine Magliaro said...


Thanks for calling people's attention to the Robert's Snow auction. It will raise money for a most worthy cause. I hope, with the help of bloggers like you, that we will raise even more money for cancer research in 2007 than we did in 2004 and 2005.