Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Harry Potter 7 Cover

The entling has been keeping the computer busy, working on a large number of school projects recently.
I did not see the reveal of Mary GrandPré's cover for Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows until this a.m.


Anonymous said...

Harry and Voldemort inside what looks like an arena -- "Two shall enter, one shall leave." (Yeah, maybe Thunderdome wasn't what GrandPré was going for, but the cover is pretty awesome. And the yellow makes it look nearly cheerful, compared to the darkness of most of the other covers.)

Camille said...

My daughter said, "it looks like a sunset or sunrise." I like the way she has aged Harry on the covers.

Very cool.

Michele said...

I HATE with a fiery passion, the British children's edition cover !! URGH ! It's so funereal... Trouble is, I've got children's editions for the previous 6 books so I'll buy the children's one, but I won't LIKE it !

That US one looks OK, though...