Have been stinging for months now over the ent nephew's astonishment that he had read a book before I had.
Finished Dragon Heir. The ent-nephew told me something happened to one of the characters and it made him sad. He was right. It made me sad too.
Starting second book, oohh, aaahh, wow....
Radiant Girl by Andrea White. Bright Sky Press, 2008
Given this busy weekend I am glad I was able to read one book, much less two. What a terrific book to end on for my 48 Hour Book Challenge. I will review the book in more depth later this week but I will say that I was completely engrossed in this story. This well written historical fiction considers what it must have been like to have been a living near the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant when the disaster occured.
I'm enjoying my reading weekend so far, even with all the kiddie interruptions. I can cook with my nose in a book LOL. Not going for a prize but having fun!
LOL! xD Keep up the good work!
You're doing great! Keep up the good work!
Entnephew came down to breakfast yesterday with the pronouncement "I have nothing to read. I have read all the newest versions of all my series. I have NOTHING to read...(heavy dramatic sighs)" Any ideas?
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