I had an opportunity to share some of the books on this year's list with students. What treasures!

Cowgirl Kate and Cocoa by Erica Silverman, painted by Betsy Lewin, 2005.
This title is a Theodor Seuss Geisel Honor book. Cowgirl Kate and her
horse Cocoa understand each other perfectly. Sometimes Cocoa does not
want to work and Kate knows just what to say to get him moving. when
she cannot count all the cattle,Cocoa helps her. Cocoa is always hungry
and Kate works hard to take care of him.
When she can't sleep, he sings her a lullabye.
"Will you fluff my straw?" Cocoa asked.
Cowgirl Kate sighed.
"I am very tired," she said.
But she climbed out of her sleeping bag
and fluffed his straw.
Then she crawled back into her sleeping bag.
"I am hungry," said Cocoa
Cowgirl Kate sighed.
You are always hungry," she said.
But she climbed out of her sleeping bag
andgave him three carrots.
Then she crawled back into her sleeping bag.
"Uh-oh! My water bin is low," said Cocoa.
Cowgirl Kate groaned.
"Why didn't you tell me that before?"
"I didn't think of it before, " said Cocoa.
"First I was thinking about straw.
Then I was thinking about food.
Now I am thinking about water."
"You are doing too much thinking," said Cowboy Kate.
Lewin's paintings are comical and expressive. Their expressions are
priceless as they stare at each other during this exchange.
My daughter, Kate, and I loved this book!! I bought it simply because my daughter's name is Kate and she has strawberry blond hair (more red than blond, though). We love to read it together, I think she has it memorized!!
I love your blog! Thank you for reviewing great picture and YA books!
I want to read the sequel.
I know this is an old post, but I had to say how much my 6 yo daughter and 4 yo son love this book. Thanks for all the great recommendations.
I know there are other Kate and Cocoa books but I have not read them yet. That will have to be one of my resolutions for the new year!
Thanks for letting me know you enjoyed the book!
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