Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Happy Summer Reading

Did you hear that?
Surely you heard that, America.
My ears are still ringing.
The UPS man just arrived with Vendetta by Chris Humphreys (the sequel to The Fetch and second book in the Runestone Saga) and the entling's happy shriek is still echoing.
Happy summer reading, indeed.


Michele said...

Ooh is that out now ?! I read The Fetch for the Cybils and rather enjoyed it... Must hie me away to the library OPAC and see if they've got it yet...

Camille said...

I think the "official" release date is Aug. 14 here. She has been riveted to the pages today and I just noted that she is almost to the end. I will let you know what she thought.

I think it is fun to have a book focusing on Norse mythology and tales.

Michele said...

Indeed it is - though it's not the only one, of course... I thought the first book was quite dark...