Tuesday, March 07, 2006

Not Edgar!

Oh dear, I guess Edgar is really... gone. Just watched an interview with Louis Lombardi on the 24 website. I am so sad.


Liz B said...

I couldn't believe it!! He was the heart & the humanity of CTI.

What do you think of Kim? And her new boyfriend? Who'd'a thunk that Ponyboy would grow up to look so creepy?

Camille said...

Oh my gosh, I didn't recognize him with the beard. My youngest entling just watched that movie last year in her English class. Now she is saying,"Ooohhhhh....yeah!"

A collective wail went up here last night, "Not Edgar!"

Unknown said...

I know what you mean. We were really sad too. I liked Edgar a lot and I can't believe they killed him. And the way they did it was just perfect - the look on Chloe's face almost made me cry.