Blood Red Horse by K. M. Grant, 2005
Current events and the movie Kingdom of Heaven have increased interest in the Crusades which makes this book very timely.
Gavin, Will and Ellie, their father's ward, have been raised together on the DeGranville estate. Gavin is the oldest and loutish in his treatment of his younger brother. Ellie is very close to Will and sides with him against Gavin even though she senses a streak of kindness in the older brother.
Will has a gift with horses so when it is time for him to choose a Great Horse he forgoes a large destrier and selects the smaller "blood red" horse named Hosanna. The horse emanates a sense of well being to everyone it encounters.
The landscape shifts to the Holy Land when Gavin, Will and their father answer King Richard's call for a crusade. Will and his horse lift the morale of an army that is suffering from terrible battle loses and hardships.
Meanwhile, Kamil, the ward of the Muslim leader Saladin is seeking revenge for the death of his father at the hands of a Crusader. Saladin counsels him to abandon his hatred and follow his faith. Will and Kamil's paths inevitably cross and Hosanna is captured by Kamil. Hosanna presence works its magic on Kamil and Saladin's army too.
War changes everyone and everything. Gavin, Will, Ellie and Kamil must learn to live with loss and survive.
Christianity and Islam are represented very respectfully. A faithful Muslim, Saladin's generosity to King Richard's army is heart-felt and based on fact. The Crusaders' pilgrimage to Jerusalem to see the True Cross is very moving and underscores the religious fervor behind the Crusades.
The horse Hosanna is presented more as a mystical talisman instead of a full fledged character (my standard for horse books now is Seabiscuit) but this story is about young people coming of age and the human characters are very well developed.
The army's trip to the Middle East by ship and the reality of battle are accurately depicted. The descriptions are grim but not grisly, PG-13 not R.
This is Book I of a trilogy. I will anxiously await the next book. I want to know how these kids are doing.
I thought that this book was great. I love horses and it was also educational! I liked how it was based on King Richard's Crusade.
The sequel, Green Jasper is excellent too. I think the third book, Blaze of Silver, is due out very soon, April 2007
This is a wonderful book with facts and is action-packed as well. The part where Ellie takes back the wooden dog is sooooooo cute!
Blood red horse was the worst book i almost read
i read till the 8th chapter and then stopped
i warn you!
it sucks
Anonymous--it is ok that you didn't enjoy the book. It sounds like you gave it an honest try. If a story does not grab you by chapter eight, it is fair to set it aside.
Do you generally enjoy historical fiction? The time of the Crusades was a tumultuous period in world history and the book tells the story of young people caught up in those events. The action really kicks up once they are on their way to the Middle East.
You will not like this book nobody cares about the holy land and hey they almost all die so whatever. And if you reading this and your in Mrs.Gawlers class just stop rading the book she wont care and thereyou have it. Adam Landless dies Sir Tohmas dies [both of them in chpt 10] and gavin loses his right arm but live [chpt 16] and Wills fine
I am yet to read the book but I just used this to finish an assignment on it. :D
I love the book it was awsome. I disagree with Anonymous I think it was sooooo cool and I think the Holy land is not cool but awsome.
Have you read the sequels? They are splendid.
i totally loved this book and i am on chapter 20 cant wait to see wat hapens in the end!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i dont agree with all of the anonymus,s that says they hated this book. i also kind of think that some chapters were BO-RING
this book sux. i mean this is so confusing and puts me to sleep. everything is all random and confusing. no one cares about things that won't be useful in life.
the one before i respect your opinion but the books sux in mine.
Interesting how all those who did not like the book failed to write in correct English.
i loved this book!!
This book is horrible and should not be in stores.
Lmao... This was useless... well, for mah book report at least...
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