Sunday, August 20, 2006

My Book meme

One book that changed my life: The Lord of the Rings by J.R.R. Tolkien.

Little did I know when I first read the books as a grad student in library school that Tolkien's work would become such a touchstone for my life and my family's.

Book you have read more than once: A Little Princess by Frances Hodgson Burnett

Book you want on a desert island: The Lord of the Rings. Maybe I would FINALLY read all the songs and the poetry.

Book that made you laugh: All the Jack Henry books by Jack Gantos.

Heads or Tails: Stories from the Sixth Grade
Jack's New Power: Stories from a Caribbean Year
Jack's Black Book: What Happens When You Flunk an IQ Test?
Jack on the Tracks: Four Seasons of Fifth Grade
Jack Adrift: Fourth Grade Without a Clue

Book that made you cry: Stone Fox by John Reynolds Gardiner

I had to read this book for my children's literature class to become a teacher. As I finished the book I cried boo-hoo great big (and totally unexpected) tears.

I was already a real librarian, ALA accredited MLS -- but I was NOT a certified, sanctified, pasteurized, beatified teacher so I could not be a school librarian until I did the teacher certification thing. I loved the children's lit course. My only regret was I took it as a summer class. I would have loved a full semester listening to Richard Abrahamson at University of Houston.

Book you wished had been written: The Search for the Cure to Type 1 Diabetes: How they did it! by brilliant researchers and doctors to be announced...

Book you wished had never been written: Can I get back to you on that? See Here in the Bonny Glen

Book you're currently reading: Pond Scum by Alan Silberberg

Book you've been meaning to read: A Series of Unfortunate Events -- I've read book one and part of book 2 but just never got around to reading the rest.


SilberBook-Blog said...

Seeing as you list P.Scum as a current read - may I send along a bag of gummy worms to accompany the page-turning?


Michele said...

You haven't read all the songs and poems in LotR ?? *thud* *Falls off chair in surprise* Wow ! That's a confession I hadn't expected from you !

Camille said...

Alan--I like all gummi candy, no matter how grotesque sadly. *sighs* Why can't I grow up?

Michele--I know. It is shocking. My own family can hardly bear the shame sometimes. When the topic comes up, I am mocked frequently and often. I have to say I have picked up some of them on my own, since LOTR--The Movie. Hearing Viggo and Billy sing and was inspiring.

Treebeard has READ the poems and songs aloud so I have HEARD them. I just cannot discuss the finer points of Treebeard's Lore of Living Creatures.

When I read the books for the first time, I was just so caught up in Middle Earth, I wanted to find out what was happening next, hence heedless skipping of important story elements in poetry and song.

Kairi said...

If you don't read the Series of Unfortunate Events you should listen to them! Tim Curry does an amazing job reading them!

Camille said...

That is a fantastic idea. I am going to do that.