To those with ears to hear libraries are really very noisy places. On their shelves we hear the captured voices of the centuries-old conversation that makes up our civilization, or any civilization. Here is the most convenient, most portable, and, in many ways, the most durable carrier of speech we have ever found: the book.
"Libraries and Learning," by Timothy S. Healy; The Bookmark; page 200; Spring 1990.
Rev. Timothy S. Healy was president of the New York Public Library and the namesake of Healy Hall at the NYPL. Healy died in 1993.
What a poetic way of referring to libraries. Thanks for sharing his comment. Although I haven't visited the NYPL, my husband has a number of times. It seems to be a fascinating place.
I saw part of this quote on an email signature and had to track down the whole thing and find out who "Timothy Healy" was.
I always tell kids that a book is a remarkable piece of technology. Very portable, it does not need batteries or an electrical outlet. It does require some "neuro" electricity between their ears
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