You're Lovable to Me by Kat Yeh, illustrated by Sue Anderson, Random House, 2010.
This book is more about Mama Bunny than her children. The story reassures children of their mother's unconditional love despite the fact that "it had been a big day, it had been a hard night." Mama vows "no matter what your feelings are, what ever they may be...I'm you mama. You're my bunnies and you're lovable to me."
Apparently none of these bunnies are teenagers yet.
Mama is a single parent. After the bunnies are in bed, she washes the dishes, works at her desk and falls asleep on the sofa. When Grandpa Bunny arrives for evening tea he tucks a blanket around his sleeping daughter and repeats the stanzas and states, "I'm your papa. You're still my bunny. And you're lovable to me."
Sue Anderson's soft color palette gives the story a quiet tone which fits a bedtime story.

This is a nice little tribute to parenting. It may be that the book will strike a chord of empathy in the kiddos' hearts for their parents, but, like the book, Five Minutes' Peace
I'm pretty sure it was via you that I learned about 5 Minutes Peace. Both my kids and I love it, but for different reasons!
Yes - five minutes peace is fun, but I agree, it's more for the adults really!
I love that book: ) !
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