Monday, January 26, 2009

Newbery Winner

I can never ever predict the ALA award winners but I love the swirl of publicity and buzz they generate.

Neil Gaiman's reaction to his Newbery win for THE GRAVEYARD BOOK (without the swearing à la Twitter) is hilarious!

Love his description of librarians and "suchlike" as "great, wise and good people."


Anonymous said...

The swearing over at Twitter was hilarious. I'll bet the librarians would've liked to hear that reaction over the phone, actually.

Camille said...

I cannot even imagine how amazing it must feel to get "that" call. I recall the video of John Green getting the call. Very happy stuff!

Anonymous said...

Getting The Call is totally a good reason to start swearing. If I'd been on the committee, I would have been truly delighted to hear him throw an F-bomb. Thanks for linking to the Twitter, though, so I could hear it virtually.