The word moot is an archaic term meaning "argue, debate, discuss." In early English history, a moot was a meeting to discuss local affairs. Moot comes from the Old English gemot, meaning "meeting."
Brenden Fraser has already been cast as Mo, we have no more say in that.
But, what I do know is, Emma W. and V. A. Hudgens are WAY too old to play Maggie. Remember, Maggie is 12, not 15 or 16.
Clemence Poesy does look the part of Resa, but, she's too young.
I agree with you, Allen Rickman SHOULD play the part of Capricorn, but I have a debate, he seems a little bit, I don't know, old. Maybe we could try finding someone a bit younger, perhaps?
Sir Micheal Gambon should be Fenoglio, your right. :)
Visit my website to see more on Inkheart, Inkspell, and the upcoming movies, Harry Potters there too!
I think you should introduce a new star to play Meggie. This would be a great beginning role for someone just getting started. They should be required to read the book and study Meggie's way of looking at things. Having someone completely new do a big role is risky but surround that person with well known actors and actresses and the pressure to do great is abundant but then they feel as if the have to do great and in return these well known actors and actresses will help the person along the way and in the end you will have produced an award winning movie. Then when he?she wins an Emmy they will have you to thank!
I agree with introducing a new star to play Meggie. This would enable another great actress blossom since this is a great story to work on. Someone who might have read the book a few times, so that she knows what Meggie is like and acts like. Now on another subject, I hope this will be a great movie, just like the book!
I really do hope it is a great movie! I'm sure it will be with a book like this to be based off of. I'm already hoping for them to start making a movie of Inkspell! Come to think of it Mylie Cyrus kind of reminds me of Meggie and I have no clue why. Maybe it is her personality that makes me compare the two. but I know that whoever they choose to play the part the movie will be GREAT!
I think that there should be an audition for who to be Meggie in the movie Inkheart, instead of using the Hollywood actresses. I'm saying this cus I wanna audition myself.
Well Duh! They have to hold an audition! We are just saying that these people should audition! And if they don't the director should call them and offer them and audition! Anyone in their right mind would know that not like you have a chance of getting the part or anything they wouldn't cast someone as STUPID as you!
This isn't about the movie or anything but I think Clay Sickafoose and Keaton Joyner are the two hottest guys on earth! clay will you go out with me? Love ya, guess who!
I just cannot picture Meggie with light and fair blond hair as it was decribed in the book. And for the casting as Meggie you have either have been to a professional drama school or actually have acting experience! I think that is so unfair for those unknow talents!
I get what you are saying too. I just didnt picture meggie (the way that cornelia funke had described her) as fair blonde hair-ed. Im not offering offense to anyone. It just didnt seem like that was who she would come up with. i also think it is unfair to cast an already well known person for meggie because they might over exaggerate the role. That would leave meggie un shy and out going when her carachter isnt. And also, if anybody knows of auditions, i would be up for it! I have been googling forever!
I think that they should do auditions for Meggie and i also think that meggie shouldnt be anyone fameous because it would give a chance to someone else. Plus i really want to be meggie. I am a lot like her. Brown hair, like reading books SOOO much, ect. I am around her age too.
I'm excited for the movie! As for "anonymous" who told off everybody wishing for the part--unknowns who have no prior professional acting experience can still audition. And there IS a possibility of one of them getting the part. For example, Georgie Henley in The Chronicles of Narnia had never been in any movies, nor had she been to acting school--she was just a regular little girl from England who was thought to be the best to play Lucy Pevensie. If one of these girls who has posted has a desire to try out for the part, then they should do all they can to do so. They may be in fact, like Henley, thought to be the best to play the part of Meggie. Nothing is impossible. Everybody, even Dakota Fanning, has to start somewhere. It is their right to pursue this dream, and I do not appreciate you belittling them and discouraging them. The worst thing a person can do is to stop another from dreaming and trying to do his or her best at something. Of course, realities must be realized, and no one can allow themselves to get carried away, but the possibility of one of these girls auditioning for the part or perhaps scouted out by a casting director is very plausable. If they truly want to try out, if they are truly passionate about the part, then they might get lucky. And they will not be stupid for trying--because if they try once, they can certainly try again for something else. I do not care if you curse at me or say I'm stupid. I do not want to try out for the part, but I am merely trying to be a good citizen and defend the right of those other girls to audition if they so wish. It is not the right of anyone else to put them down for this reason.
I agree. I did audition for the part through a mail in dvd. I know I have almost no chance of getting the part, but someone has to. It could be me or someone else without experience. I read that they DON"T want girls with experience. She just needs to be small and innocent looking. Age 10-13
you know what i think that somebody that dosn't have any experience should play the role as Meggie should play it I'm just saying that because i want to try out for the movie myself. So if anybody that knows how to audition for the movie then please tell me PLEASE TELL ME
Wow. I can not wait until the movie. I bet it wont be nearly as good as the book, though. And I hope they dont demolish the book by having a stupid movie. *cough* Like they did with Series of unfortunate events. *cough*
i am soo excited for the meggie auditions. please, please dont use a hollywood actress, it would be great if you help open auditions!! i would die for a chance to play meggie, but i dont know where or when the auditions are. if anyone knows please tell me!
i've read the both books n they r really good. Eliza Bennett will be playing Meggie, Paul Bettany will be Dustfinger, Rafi Gavron will be Farid. This is very exciting, can't wait 4 the movie n the 3rd book. Clemence is too young 4 Resa, but Allen could be Capricorn, Micheal is too old 4 fenoglio, n they cast fenoglio already,(forgot his name) n elinor too.
um, I would have loved to audition for meggie, but found out about auditions too late. I have always imagined her with thin blonde stright hair, and very frail too. I would like to play brianna in inkspell. I like Inkspell better than Inkheart personnaly. I can't wait for the movie and 3rd book! I don't think Luna Lovegood would have been right for the part of Meggie...Paul Bettany was wrong for the part of Dustfinger if you ask me. He has Ginger hair, like the weasleys in HP...I'll post more when I can, but don't want to create dead space for people to have to scroll through.
PS Comments like the 9th or 10th one up shouldn't be accepted. I myself have acting experience, and encourage those who wish to act too, to do so!
great :( i was hopeing it wouldn't become a movie :( it's going to be like eragon, soon by 2050 they'll make a movie of every single book, and worst of all, the people in the world who don't like reading will see the movie and then it's like they've read the book in 2 hours, NOT FAIR, and HECK NO, brad pitt and emma watson should NOT be in the movie, they need new actors nobody has ever heard of, i'm sick of mr. brad pitt who thinks he's mr. macho man of the world, one day his barbiness will collapse on him , and when that day comes i'll laugh
UH,I'm not sure WHY they chose Jamie Foreman for Basta...he's a little TOO old for him.Basta's one of my favorite villans,so I was kinda upset by that.=(
i agree jamie is old for basta. they cast mortola, flatnose, n cockrell also. n did u noe that it's comin out in 2008, i can't wait that long. i read an interview with cornelia funke n she mentioned that in inkdawn there will be another boy!!i hate suprises.
They HAVE to change who plays Basta!! Might as well not even see the freakin' movie if they don't have the right Basta.Jude Law would be perfect...but he might be a little too good-looking for him.However,you never know.I've seen Jude play a jerk and they made him look pretty scary for that movie.
Y'know who would be *PERFECT* for Basta?!Joseph Fiennes from Shakespeare in Love!He's the right age and probably wouldn't demand as much money as Jude Law.
I'm british, and I would LOVE to get the part of Meggie. I'm 13 and have acting experience from the west end theatre and an agent, I would love to do film work. Having said that, I don't think anyone should give up on it because of some loser telling them what to do (comment 13)
Your zeal and enthusiasm for the role of Meggie is to be commended. Madame Pince is devastated to discover the untoward language demonstrated above. I am sending a notice to the moderator of this blog demanding the removal of this vulgar utterance.
I Absolutly agree with anonymous who said that Jamie Foreman was not right for Basta! Basta is my ABSOLUTE favorite character of all time! (I sobbed for 10 minuits when he died!!!) Jamie Foreman is WAY TO OLD! he's going to be 50 soon! 50 i say! 50! WRONG WRONG WRONG WRONG WRONG! Sorry, But Basta was described as Sexy and he had a thin face and wiery frame (Wades helplessly through swamp of my own drool) Let's go on strike and throw Jamie out of a building! no, that's too dramatic....Um, lets....lets....Hey, um I was wondering, Did anyone notice What color Cornelia Funke described Basta's hair??????? Was it dark????? Cuz that's how i imagined it. If any one has a character description of Basta, than i will gladly take it! Thank You SOOOOOOO much!
I AGREE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!I always pictured Basta with dark hair.His face is supposed to look somewhat like a fox.So,they should get someone with a thinner face.They need a fox!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i know basta is soooooo wrong and way to old for the part, im so disappointed!!! i think andy will be a good capicorn though.i ALWAYS imagined meggie with dark almost black hair, i hope elizas acting makes up for the non-meggie looks!Dustfinger has better be changed A LOTTTT in make up because that is just not him from the pictures i;ve seen so far.i hope this movie is exactly like the book... i hope it's peferct. and i hope they dont mess it up like they did with the series o.u.e., and eragon(it comes our in 2007,inkdawn comes out n 2008)also i cant wait for inkdawn 2 come out... inkheary and spell are the best books ever written. i just hope the movie turns out like that!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
(Anonymous who posted her comment @ 10:28pm) errrrggggg! I could have died when i found out that they wern't going to change Jamie Foreman' s part! (Maybe I SHOULD have thrown him out of a window....or held a knife to his throat.....ahem....that is a little bit mean...) but seriously, i am sorry to say that i think that they are going to MESS UP this movie...... (pouts) uh. Basta is just.....SEXY and well....HOTT! *cough* For any Basta fans, if you go to and look up the book inkheart, there is a story called bastastory (that's mine) you can read it, and send reviews! (please tell me that you've come from bookmoot) I am the biggest basta fan in the world, so if any one wants to join an aliance with me, and start a pitty party, than type I!!!!!
WOOT FOR THE BASTA PITTY PARTY!!I read the story you was very well writtten.I think you described him very well.I always thought he would have darker hair and blue/green eyes.
Jaime Foreman is really wrong for Basta, and Paul Bettany is TOTALLY wrong for Dustfinger. Both parts needed to be played by guys that are HOT!!!!! (Especialy Dustfinger)
i think that someone HOT should play dustfinger and fraid.But deffently dustfinger. The girl who plays meggie does not at all look like the right meggie.!!! im sooooo mad. i cried when dustfinger died. i fell in love with him.
I sooooo wanna see the movie but it hasent come out where i live:( but my aut is takeing me with her but i hav a total question here goes have any of u guys read the book?:}
I am meggies age and thinkshe should be cast with brown hair.Or atleast brownish-blond hair. I think Mo and Dustfinger's actors should be switched. Risa's actress is too young! Fenoglio and Mortolla's actors are perfect same with basta and when did inkspell get cheasy! these are 13 and 14 yaer olds not 20 some year olds!
i think the guy who plays mo looks like mo, but brendan fraisers voice is too high, definently not right for a voice to read characters to life. the meggie should definetly have brown hair. the age is right according to the book, but i think meggie should have been older anyways. farid is perfect in age, but you should see the pathetic costume he wears. it looks like its halloween. basta is definently not supposed to be sexy, but the guty who plays him should be younger. andy serkis is not "colorless" enough to play capricorn. and, for the movie, he is going bald. !blah! otherwise, the dustfinger, fengolio, and elinor casting is perfect from my perspective.
i wish soooooo badly i could play meggie in this movie. im 14 like the actress who plays her, and i look young enough to pull off a 12 year old. it sucks the cast was already picked. playing meggie would be like being sucked right into my favorite book! lol!
im like 13 an i would really like to play the [art of meggie. i have read both books at least 7 times by now i just cant get enough of it it is my favorite book in the whole world i know alot of people want this role but i really need it not just because of fame or glory and im not telling a lie here i just want to be noticed for once i know how meggie acts i can play her and id realy love to i may live in texas and i know ppl think texas is lame but i just want sumthing to turn m life around
i don't know why all of the people are complaining about who's playing who. They obviously all are incredible actors that's why they got hired for the part.I'm not trying to be rude or anything. As long as the movie's good and it follows the book what matters? Anyway they already hired all these people to play the characters and noone can change that unless they like get fired or quit which is highly unlikely.So everyone who thinks they should be Meggie or Basta should be played by whoever, i think you should just accept the fact that actors have already been chosen. Oh and i hope that Farid and Meggie stay together!! But whatever happens, happens
I loved the books and I think Eliza Bennet is good for meggie and I think they should get someone else for Farid maybe? Also I think Sienna Guillory is to young for Resa and I think that they should pick someone else for Mo because Brendon Fraser is ugly and weird!!
I apologize if I put down anyone who really honestly wanted to get the part. I didn't mean it the way it came out. You can have your dreams as I have mine, but there comes a point where they are just unrealistic. Keep shooting for the stars and know that to reach this dream you must first get your start. Shoot for the moon, but don't get let down if you come to rest on a star for a little while. Have confidence, and know that it wasn't meant to be. Your chance is coming, but this is not for you. Try, and if you fail keep trying. Pursue many dreams, because one may let you down as it has let many down before. Stay positive! Luv always!
The girl who plays Meggie is Perfect. Eliza iz mostly how if pictured Meggie. The guy who plays Farid is Rafi and he is sooooo hott. Dustfinger's part has the perfect man to play him. I have not got a picture of Jamie though. I can't find his picture on google. Mo is not how i pictured him though. Elinor is how i pictured her. Luv Shortie_494. If you have any comments on my commet e-mail me at
Chasity MIller at 4546 J.I.oakes R.D. bullock, nc.27507 should play meggis she is EXACTLY LIKE HER!!!!! She is a wonderful actor and singer! She has read Inkspell and Inkheart numerous times and her personality is just like Megie's! She has told me that she SOOOOOOOOObadly wants to be an actor!!!! Who ever is placing the roles please get in touch with her!!! you won't regret it! SHe is Just like MEGGIE!!!
I would like to audition for Brianna in Inkspell but I don't know... I'm thirteen natural dirty blonde 5ft 1-2in cherokee face but white for sure I don't know if I can sing! What do you think please spill! I don't care how rude or polte it is! I'm so anxious!!!
I would like to audition for Brianna in Inkspell but...I don't know tell me what you think. I am thirteen naturally dirty blonde with natural light blode highlights, cherokee face, but definetaly white,5ft 1-2in, I don't know if i can sing but i sure will try! Oh, and I've read all the books in the Inkheart trilogy. So tell me what you think?
Idk but I'd like to audition for Brianna in inksspell. What do you all think. I'm thirteen, naturall dirty blonde with natural light streaks, cherokee face, but white, 5ft 1-2in, don't know if I can sing, I've read all the Ink books. Does it sound like I fit the part?!
I would like to audition for Violante in Inkspell. I have read all of the bboks in the trilogy, I am 5'3 and eleven years old. I do not mind playing a role that is much older that myself because I read in Inkdeath that Violante is shorter that Meggie. I also have acting and singing experience, in case that is needed. Please contact me soon as I also do community theatre and may already have a full schedule by the time you contact me. By the way, my real name is not what I put up there. I only put my Japanese name up so that people can't find me on the internet. Thank you!
i think Emma Watson or Vanessa Anee Hudgens should be Meggie
and Sir Micheal Gambon should be Fenoglio (or someone younger like...?)
and Brad Pitt should be Mo
and Clemence Poesy should be Resa
and Allen Rickman should be Capricorn
Brenden Fraser has already been cast as Mo, we have no more say in that.
But, what I do know is, Emma W. and V. A. Hudgens are WAY too old to play Maggie. Remember, Maggie is 12, not 15 or 16.
Clemence Poesy does look the part of Resa, but, she's too young.
I agree with you, Allen Rickman SHOULD play the part of Capricorn, but I have a debate, he seems a little bit, I don't know, old. Maybe we could try finding someone a bit younger, perhaps?
Sir Micheal Gambon should be Fenoglio, your right. :)
Visit my website to see more on Inkheart, Inkspell, and the upcoming movies, Harry Potters there too!
I think you should introduce a new star to play Meggie. This would be a great beginning role for someone just getting started. They should be required to read the book and study Meggie's way of looking at things. Having someone completely new do a big role is risky but surround that person with well known actors and actresses and the pressure to do great is abundant but then they feel as if the have to do great and in return these well known actors and actresses will help the person along the way and in the end you will have produced an award winning movie. Then when he?she wins an Emmy they will have you to thank!
I agree with introducing a new star to play Meggie. This would enable another great actress blossom since this is a great story to work on. Someone who might have read the book a few times, so that she knows what Meggie is like and acts like. Now on another subject, I hope this will be a great movie, just like the book!
I really do hope it is a great movie! I'm sure it will be with a book like this to be based off of. I'm already hoping for them to start making a movie of Inkspell! Come to think of it Mylie Cyrus kind of reminds me of Meggie and I have no clue why. Maybe it is her personality that makes me compare the two. but I know that whoever they choose to play the part the movie will be GREAT!
I think that there should be an audition for who to be Meggie in the movie Inkheart, instead of using the Hollywood actresses. I'm saying this cus I wanna audition myself.
Well Duh! They have to hold an audition! We are just saying that these people should audition! And if they don't the director should call them and offer them and audition! Anyone in their right mind would know that not like you have a chance of getting the part or anything they wouldn't cast someone as STUPID as you!
This isn't about the movie or anything but I think Clay Sickafoose and Keaton Joyner are the two hottest guys on earth! clay will you go out with me?
Love ya,
guess who!
I love Inkheart and Inkspell.
I just cannot picture Meggie with light and fair blond hair as it was decribed in the book. And for the casting as Meggie you have either have been to a professional drama school or actually have acting experience! I think that is so unfair for those unknow talents!
I get what you are saying too. I just didnt picture meggie (the way that cornelia funke had described her) as fair blonde hair-ed. Im not offering offense to anyone. It just didnt seem like that was who she would come up with. i also think it is unfair to cast an already well known person for meggie because they might over exaggerate the role. That would leave meggie un shy and out going when her carachter isnt. And also, if anybody knows of auditions, i would be up for it! I have been googling forever!
I think that they should do auditions for Meggie and i also think that meggie shouldnt be anyone fameous because it would give a chance to someone else. Plus i really want to be meggie. I am a lot like her. Brown hair, like reading books SOOO much, ect. I am around her age too.
I'm excited for the movie! As for "anonymous" who told off everybody wishing for the part--unknowns who have no prior professional acting experience can still audition. And there IS a possibility of one of them getting the part. For example, Georgie Henley in The Chronicles of Narnia had never been in any movies, nor had she been to acting school--she was just a regular little girl from England who was thought to be the best to play Lucy Pevensie. If one of these girls who has posted has a desire to try out for the part, then they should do all they can to do so. They may be in fact, like Henley, thought to be the best to play the part of Meggie. Nothing is impossible. Everybody, even Dakota Fanning, has to start somewhere. It is their right to pursue this dream, and I do not appreciate you belittling them and discouraging them. The worst thing a person can do is to stop another from dreaming and trying to do his or her best at something. Of course, realities must be realized, and no one can allow themselves to get carried away, but the possibility of one of these girls auditioning for the part or perhaps scouted out by a casting director is very plausable. If they truly want to try out, if they are truly passionate about the part, then they might get lucky. And they will not be stupid for trying--because if they try once, they can certainly try again for something else. I do not care if you curse at me or say I'm stupid. I do not want to try out for the part, but I am merely trying to be a good citizen and defend the right of those other girls to audition if they so wish. It is not the right of anyone else to put them down for this reason.
I agree. I did audition for the part through a mail in dvd. I know I have almost no chance of getting the part, but someone has to. It could be me or someone else without experience. I read that they DON"T want girls with experience. She just needs to be small and innocent looking. Age 10-13
you know what i think that somebody that dosn't have any experience should play the role as Meggie should play it I'm just saying that because i want to try out for the movie myself. So if anybody that knows how to audition for the movie then please tell me PLEASE TELL ME
Wow. I can not wait until the movie. I bet it wont be nearly as good as the book, though. And I hope they dont demolish the book by having a stupid movie. *cough* Like they did with Series of unfortunate events. *cough*
I would <3 to be Meggie, but what are the chances. i really really liked to book so yea. I agree with everybody. UM, how do you audition?
i am soo excited for the meggie auditions. please, please dont use a hollywood actress, it would be great if you help open auditions!! i would die for a chance to play meggie, but i dont know where or when the auditions are. if anyone knows please tell me!
i've read the both books n they r really good. Eliza Bennett will be playing Meggie, Paul Bettany will be Dustfinger, Rafi Gavron will be Farid. This is very exciting, can't wait 4 the movie n the 3rd book. Clemence is too young 4 Resa, but Allen could be Capricorn, Micheal is too old 4 fenoglio, n they cast fenoglio already,(forgot his name) n elinor too.
forgot 2 mention, i think Luna Lovegood(from HP) should be maggie, she has the same features
um, I would have loved to audition for meggie, but found out about auditions too late. I have always imagined her with thin blonde stright hair, and very frail too. I would like to play brianna in inkspell. I like Inkspell better than Inkheart personnaly. I can't wait for the movie and 3rd book! I don't think Luna Lovegood would have been right for the part of Meggie...Paul Bettany was wrong for the part of Dustfinger if you ask me. He has Ginger hair, like the weasleys in HP...I'll post more when I can, but don't want to create dead space for people to have to scroll through.
PS Comments like the 9th or 10th one up shouldn't be accepted. I myself have acting experience, and encourage those who wish to act too, to do so!
Sienna Guillory's going to be in it? She's Arya in Eragon...
great :( i was hopeing it wouldn't become a movie :( it's going to be like eragon, soon by 2050 they'll make a movie of every single book, and worst of all, the people in the world who don't like reading will see the movie and then it's like they've read the book in 2 hours, NOT FAIR, and HECK NO, brad pitt and emma watson should NOT be in the movie, they need new actors nobody has ever heard of, i'm sick of mr. brad pitt who thinks he's mr. macho man of the world, one day his barbiness will collapse on him , and when that day comes i'll laugh
UH,I'm not sure WHY they chose Jamie Foreman for Basta...he's a little TOO old for him.Basta's one of my favorite villans,so I was kinda upset by that.=(
i agree jamie is old for basta. they cast mortola, flatnose, n cockrell also. n did u noe that it's comin out in 2008, i can't wait that long. i read an interview with cornelia funke n she mentioned that in inkdawn there will be another boy!!i hate suprises.
They HAVE to change who plays Basta!! Might as well not even see the freakin' movie if they don't have the right Basta.Jude Law would be perfect...but he might be a little too good-looking for him.However,you never know.I've seen Jude play a jerk and they made him look pretty scary for that movie.
Y'know who would be *PERFECT* for Basta?!Joseph Fiennes from Shakespeare in Love!He's the right age and probably wouldn't demand as much money as Jude Law.
I'm british, and I would LOVE to get the part of Meggie. I'm 13 and have acting experience from the west end theatre and an agent, I would love to do film work. Having said that, I don't think anyone should give up on it because of some loser telling them what to do (comment 13)
Your zeal and enthusiasm for the role of Meggie is to be commended. Madame Pince is devastated to discover the untoward language demonstrated above. I am sending a notice to the moderator of this blog demanding the removal of this vulgar utterance.
--Madame Pince says, "Shhhhh..."
I Absolutly agree with anonymous who said that Jamie Foreman was not right for Basta! Basta is my ABSOLUTE favorite character of all time! (I sobbed for 10 minuits when he died!!!) Jamie Foreman is WAY TO OLD! he's going to be 50 soon! 50 i say! 50! WRONG WRONG WRONG WRONG WRONG! Sorry, But Basta was described as Sexy and he had a thin face and wiery frame (Wades helplessly through swamp of my own drool) Let's go on strike and throw Jamie out of a building! no, that's too dramatic....Um, lets....lets....Hey, um I was wondering, Did anyone notice What color Cornelia Funke described Basta's hair??????? Was it dark????? Cuz that's how i imagined it. If any one has a character description of Basta, than i will gladly take it! Thank You SOOOOOOO much!
I AGREE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!I always pictured Basta with dark hair.His face is supposed to look somewhat like a fox.So,they should get someone with a thinner face.They need a fox!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i know basta is soooooo wrong and way to old for the part, im so disappointed!!! i think andy will be a good capicorn though.i ALWAYS imagined meggie with dark almost black hair, i hope elizas acting makes up for the non-meggie looks!Dustfinger has better be changed A LOTTTT in make up because that is just not him from the pictures i;ve seen so far.i hope this movie is exactly like the book... i hope it's peferct. and i hope they dont mess it up like they did with the series o.u.e., and eragon(it comes our in 2007,inkdawn comes out n 2008)also i cant wait for inkdawn 2 come out... inkheary and spell are the best books ever written. i just hope the movie turns out like that!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
(Anonymous who posted her comment @ 10:28pm) errrrggggg! I could have died when i found out that they wern't going to change Jamie Foreman' s part! (Maybe I SHOULD have thrown him out of a window....or held a knife to his throat.....ahem....that is a little bit mean...) but seriously, i am sorry to say that i think that they are going to MESS UP this movie...... (pouts) uh. Basta is just.....SEXY and well....HOTT! *cough* For any Basta fans, if you go to and look up the book inkheart, there is a story called bastastory (that's mine) you can read it, and send reviews! (please tell me that you've come from bookmoot) I am the biggest basta fan in the world, so if any one wants to join an aliance with me, and start a pitty party, than type I!!!!!
WOOT FOR THE BASTA PITTY PARTY!!I read the story you was very well writtten.I think you described him very well.I always thought he would have darker hair and blue/green eyes.
I think Dustfinger sounds gosh dang hot. they better pick a hot guy to play him. hehehe
If you agree with me say yeah!!!
if you tried out for this movie and they said they said you were to fat they stink
lol. silly anonymous! Foxy dosn't mean Like a fox! It means very good looking, or sexy! lol.
I highly doubt that Elinor called him sexy when she said "I still see his foxy face in my dreams!" in Inkspell.
Jaime Foreman is really wrong for Basta, and Paul Bettany is TOTALLY wrong for Dustfinger. Both parts needed to be played by guys that are HOT!!!!! (Especialy Dustfinger)
i think that someone HOT should play dustfinger and fraid.But deffently dustfinger. The girl who plays meggie does not at all look like the right meggie.!!!
im sooooo mad.
i cried when dustfinger died. i fell in love with him.
I sooooo wanna see the movie but it hasent come out where i live:( but my aut is takeing me with her but i hav a total question here goes have any of u guys read the book?:}
I am meggies age and thinkshe should be cast with brown hair.Or atleast brownish-blond hair. I think Mo and Dustfinger's actors should be switched. Risa's actress is too young! Fenoglio and Mortolla's actors are perfect same with basta and when did inkspell get cheasy! these are 13 and 14 yaer olds not 20 some year olds!
i think the guy who plays mo looks like mo, but brendan fraisers voice is too high, definently not right for a voice to read characters to life. the meggie should definetly have brown hair. the age is right according to the book, but i think meggie should have been older anyways. farid is perfect in age, but you should see the pathetic costume he wears. it looks like its halloween. basta is definently not supposed to be sexy, but the guty who plays him should be younger. andy serkis is not "colorless" enough to play capricorn. and, for the movie, he is going bald. !blah! otherwise, the dustfinger, fengolio, and elinor casting is perfect from my perspective.
i wish soooooo badly i could play meggie in this movie. im 14 like the actress who plays her, and i look young enough to pull off a 12 year old. it sucks the cast was already picked. playing meggie would be like being sucked right into my favorite book! lol!
im like 13 an i would really like to play the [art of meggie. i have read both books at least 7 times by now i just cant get enough of it it is my favorite book in the whole world i know alot of people want this role but i really need it not just because of fame or glory and im not telling a lie here i just want to be noticed for once i know how meggie acts i can play her and id realy love to i may live in texas and i know ppl think texas is lame but i just want sumthing to turn m life around
Check out the website Inkhearties for news about the movie. There is a link to a behind the scenes visit to the set!
i don't know why all of the people are complaining about who's playing who. They obviously all are incredible actors that's why they got hired for the part.I'm not trying to be rude or anything. As long as the movie's good and it follows the book what matters? Anyway they already hired all these people to play the characters and noone can change that unless they like get fired or quit which is highly unlikely.So everyone who thinks they should be Meggie or Basta should be played by whoever, i think you should just accept the fact that actors have already been chosen. Oh and i hope that Farid and Meggie stay together!! But whatever happens, happens
I loved the books and I think Eliza Bennet is good for meggie and I think they should get someone else for Farid maybe? Also I think Sienna Guillory is to young for Resa and I think that they should pick someone else for Mo because Brendon Fraser is ugly and weird!!
I apologize if I put down anyone who really honestly wanted to get the part. I didn't mean it the way it came out. You can have your dreams as I have mine, but there comes a point where they are just unrealistic. Keep shooting for the stars and know that to reach this dream you must first get your start. Shoot for the moon, but don't get let down if you come to rest on a star for a little while. Have confidence, and know that it wasn't meant to be. Your chance is coming, but this is not for you. Try, and if you fail keep trying. Pursue many dreams, because one may let you down as it has let many down before. Stay positive! Luv always!
The girl who plays Meggie is Perfect. Eliza iz mostly how if pictured Meggie. The guy who plays Farid is Rafi and he is sooooo hott. Dustfinger's part has the perfect man to play him. I have not got a picture of Jamie though. I can't find his picture on google. Mo is not how i pictured him though. Elinor is how i pictured her. Luv Shortie_494. If you have any comments on my commet e-mail me at
Chasity MIller at 4546 J.I.oakes R.D. bullock, nc.27507 should play meggis she is EXACTLY LIKE HER!!!!!
She is a wonderful actor and singer! She has read Inkspell and Inkheart numerous times and her personality is just like Megie's! She has told me that she SOOOOOOOOObadly wants to be an actor!!!! Who ever is placing the roles please get in touch with her!!! you won't regret it! SHe is Just like MEGGIE!!!
will u all just be quiet!!
they have already finished filming the movie so chances r that none of u will be meggie!!
is there anyone else besides
Ravi who would fit the description of Farid?
I would like to audition for Brianna in Inkspell but I don't know... I'm thirteen natural dirty blonde 5ft 1-2in cherokee face but white for sure I don't know if I can sing! What do you think please spill! I don't care how rude or polte it is! I'm so anxious!!!
I would like to audition for Brianna in Inkspell but...I don't know tell me what you think. I am thirteen naturally dirty blonde with natural light blode highlights, cherokee face, but definetaly white,5ft 1-2in, I don't know if i can sing but i sure will try! Oh, and I've read all the books in the Inkheart trilogy. So tell me what you think?
Idk but I'd like to audition for Brianna in inksspell. What do you all think. I'm thirteen, naturall dirty blonde with natural light streaks, cherokee face, but white, 5ft 1-2in, don't know if I can sing, I've read all the Ink books. Does it sound like I fit the part?!
I would like to audition for Violante in Inkspell. I have read all of the bboks in the trilogy, I am 5'3 and eleven years old. I do not mind playing a role that is much older that myself because I read in Inkdeath that Violante is shorter that Meggie. I also have acting and singing experience, in case that is needed. Please contact me soon as I also do community theatre and may already have a full schedule by the time you contact me. By the way, my real name is not what I put up there. I only put my Japanese name up so that people can't find me on the internet. Thank you!
um...does meggie have brown hair or blond hair?? and is dustfinger's hair curly or straight, blond or black??
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