Tuesday, October 07, 2008

National Ambassador for Young People’s Literature

Make sure you've seen this article (by Jon Scieszka) about our hard working National Ambassador for Young People’s Literature's efforts on behalf of this nation during his visit to Washington D.C.

...Scieszka received his official Ambassador medal, and answered some hard-hitting questions from a class of local fifth-graders from Brent Elementary School.

“Where do you get your ideas?”

“Is it fun being an author?"

“Do you see Scholastic book orders as more of a bailout program or a rescue strategy to prop up sub-prime post-Harry Potter investments?”

More reading in case you missed his diplomatic efforts on behalf of Mo Willems earlier this year.
Scieszka is coming to town in the very near future. Must go.


Saints and Spinners said...

He was in Seattle today! O how I wish I could have gone (at 10 am).

Chris Barton said...

I used to think that Leonard Marcus had the best job in the world. Now, I'd say it's a toss-up.