Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Hurricane: Ike

Dear Ike,
Please fizzle away. You've traveled so far. You are tired. I know you feel dizzy from all that swirling about.
Really, we all have things to do, places to be and people to see. This really is not a good time.

Begone. Vamoose. Ta-ta! BuhBye!

I'm not kidding.

Move along now, nothing to see here.
Submerge and never come back.


tanita✿davis said...

I'm with you on that. One grandma just got BACK into her house after Gustav; now all the cousins and everyone on the other side of the family in Pensacola are battening down the hatches.

I couldn't live like that every year. I prefer Californian earthquakes...

Anonymous said...

I second that motion!!

Anonymous said...

A hearty "me too" from up here on the north side of town...

Camille said...

Hey Sockbug,
At least I have some socks to knit.
You would be so proud of me! Toe-up, no. 1 needles, sock yarn from a door prize I won when I joined a knitting group this month!!

Sockbug kindly sent me instructions, websites with directions for knitting socks.

By George, I think I've got it!!!

Unknown said...

please be safe. this is a huge storm. prepare for the days following ike. if you think you have enough food and water and gas, try to get more.

Camille said...

Thanks Phil.

I did!