Here's Looking at Me: how artists see themselves by Bob Raczka, 2006
The way an artist presents him/herself in a self-portrait tells us a great deal about them. This book includes self-portraits of painters and photographers including Jacob Lawrence, MC Escher, Albrecht Durer, Norman Rockwell, Henri Rousseau, Cindy Sherman, Chuck Close, Vermeer, Goya, Velazquz and Artemesia Gentileschi. Facing each full page picture is a discussion of the portrait.
Ultimately the reader can ask themselves how they would present themselves in a self-portrait? Would you show just your head or your whole body? Would you dress in your fanciest clothes or would you wear your everyday duds? Where would you place yourself? Would you want anything in the picture with you?
This is a very engaging and accessible book for art teachers or anyone who wants to explore this most personal of art forms.
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